Thursday, November 25, 2010

Caution: May contain foul language, violent actions, and other things that are generally not good for young eyes

Soooo yeah it's been awhile. A long while. Shit has happened. Ha yeah lots of shit has happened so I guess maybe if anyone cares I might as well catch ya up. Forgive the underlying cynical~ness and sarcasm please. I'm writing this all out in hopes that maybe, just maybe it might get it all out of my system.

Yeah been trying to move, so far it's been one big fat fail! Let's hope that maybe after taxes get done and taken care we can fix that. Still getting fucked over by the people that some would consider my family. Yeah that hasn't changed much. Guess somethings always stay the same huh? Heh of course not.

If you know me on facebook you might have noticed my relationship status has recently changed from "in a relationship" to "single". I think it will stay that way for a long, long time. Sick and tired of all the shit! Sick of the "Oh you're an amazing friend but..." and all the other stupid excuses to cut it off. You know what I really don't care! So yeah. The guy says that "maybe if thing's were different" and "to far apart" odd that wasn't the case before. Certainly none of that has changed since then. Oh well I don't care. A part of me isn't even surprised. Oh I won't say it didn't hurt. Hurt like hell, ever wondered what it's like being punched in the chest? Well don't cause that's what it felt like and it does not feel good. He still wants to be friends and oddly enough I'm fine with it. Hell I'm not even exactly mad at him. It's all aimed at myself for being so unbelievably stupid in thinking it would work! Yeah breaking shit won't even begin to help, not that I have anything I could break in the first place.

Oh well. Live and learn I guess. Hate to go all emo/cynic/pessimist on y'all but I guess in the end it's all made me a bit of a "darker" person, and I learn that whether they say they aren't like other guys or not, they are.They are all the same!


  1. {{hugs}}

    You know what, Jess? Screw him. And everyone that LOOKS like him!!!

  2. Like I said it's w/e. He and I are still talking and I'm fine with it.
