Saturday, September 11, 2010

Is Dork~ish~ness even a word?

Yups... I'm still attempting c.p.r here.
So anyways on to my actual post!

 A few signs that you might possibly be a dork:
1) Your MP3 player is atleast half filled with music from games you play.
2) You fondly remember your days of fighting with dial up internet.
3) Using net speak while talking irl.... yeah that probably makes you a dork, =P
4) Wearing bunny/kitty/any other cute animal ears or tail or both
5) Remembering when playing Oregon Trail was the highlight of your day at school!

Mind you I do... most if not all of the above. Yes I am a dork. I am a dork on an epic level.  Since I know the few people that do read this have an amazing sense of humor I don't have to worry about anyone being butt~hurt. =P

Oh and just because I find this amusing. Here is the "official definition" of a dork:
Someone who has odd interests, and is often silly at times. A dork is also someone who can be themselves and not care what anyone thinks. ~via Urban Dictionary
Just cause I feel like it xD

1 comment:

  1. I think anyone can be a dork at some times. Anyone who says they are always cool and perfect needs a reality check.
