Thursday, November 25, 2010

Caution: May contain foul language, violent actions, and other things that are generally not good for young eyes

Soooo yeah it's been awhile. A long while. Shit has happened. Ha yeah lots of shit has happened so I guess maybe if anyone cares I might as well catch ya up. Forgive the underlying cynical~ness and sarcasm please. I'm writing this all out in hopes that maybe, just maybe it might get it all out of my system.

Yeah been trying to move, so far it's been one big fat fail! Let's hope that maybe after taxes get done and taken care we can fix that. Still getting fucked over by the people that some would consider my family. Yeah that hasn't changed much. Guess somethings always stay the same huh? Heh of course not.

If you know me on facebook you might have noticed my relationship status has recently changed from "in a relationship" to "single". I think it will stay that way for a long, long time. Sick and tired of all the shit! Sick of the "Oh you're an amazing friend but..." and all the other stupid excuses to cut it off. You know what I really don't care! So yeah. The guy says that "maybe if thing's were different" and "to far apart" odd that wasn't the case before. Certainly none of that has changed since then. Oh well I don't care. A part of me isn't even surprised. Oh I won't say it didn't hurt. Hurt like hell, ever wondered what it's like being punched in the chest? Well don't cause that's what it felt like and it does not feel good. He still wants to be friends and oddly enough I'm fine with it. Hell I'm not even exactly mad at him. It's all aimed at myself for being so unbelievably stupid in thinking it would work! Yeah breaking shit won't even begin to help, not that I have anything I could break in the first place.

Oh well. Live and learn I guess. Hate to go all emo/cynic/pessimist on y'all but I guess in the end it's all made me a bit of a "darker" person, and I learn that whether they say they aren't like other guys or not, they are.They are all the same!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Bats, Spiders, and Jack-o-Lanterns!

So I went to do some shopping today. Like any other shopping trip I absolutely have to wonder through the store looking around. This time I tripped across the Halloween section. I had completely spaced the fact that we are coming up on one of my favorite holidays! So of course I HAD to look at all the pretty, shiney, and weird things that were put out for this Halloween. While I found some really cute stuff I wanna get I happen to glance at the costumes. It has dawned on me that anymore dressing up for Halloween, at least for women, doesn't mean looking scary or cute but down right skanky and whore~ish. Unless of course you are bigger then.... what a size 7 I think. Then you have to go to one of the specialty stores and even then there is still a good chunk of the costumes that scream "Skank!" I mean if that's how you wanna dress that's fine but at least give other women some options besides the guys costumes.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Thru the eye of a Bunnie

So I have realized that maybe, just maybe I game to much. When someone tells you that they killed a bug with bug spray and a rag your brain should not picture it like this:
Mind you it might have had something to do with how he worded it. Saying that he had "Went assassin on the thing and stunned it with bug spray then squished it with a rag" might not have helped how I pictured it. Eh who am I kidding? I would have anyways.
For anyone that gets the reference you get a cookie. You probably even know that yes as I pictured it there was even victory music in the background.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Is Dork~ish~ness even a word?

Yups... I'm still attempting c.p.r here.
So anyways on to my actual post!

 A few signs that you might possibly be a dork:
1) Your MP3 player is atleast half filled with music from games you play.
2) You fondly remember your days of fighting with dial up internet.
3) Using net speak while talking irl.... yeah that probably makes you a dork, =P
4) Wearing bunny/kitty/any other cute animal ears or tail or both
5) Remembering when playing Oregon Trail was the highlight of your day at school!

Mind you I do... most if not all of the above. Yes I am a dork. I am a dork on an epic level.  Since I know the few people that do read this have an amazing sense of humor I don't have to worry about anyone being butt~hurt. =P

Oh and just because I find this amusing. Here is the "official definition" of a dork:
Someone who has odd interests, and is often silly at times. A dork is also someone who can be themselves and not care what anyone thinks. ~via Urban Dictionary
Just cause I feel like it xD

Friday, September 10, 2010

~hears crickets chirping~

... Yup that my friends is the sound of a blog dieing.

So yeah I haven't posted anything new in... about a week I'm pretty sure. Not for lack of trying. There's just nothing rolling around in my head that translates well to text. I guess it's a bit of a dry spell or something. I dunno. xD

Friday, September 3, 2010

Swords, Fireballs, and Singed Fur

   Okie so I got home today from work only to find out my net connection was being spazzy and slow. Now normally this would drive me nuts and I would suffer from internet withdraws. Since I have only really recently regained my ability to even think of getting online it doesn't effect me quite so bad, gimme a few months I'm sure this will be fixed. Anyways I decided to sign on msn on my phone, and play some old snes games.
   Now I suppose you could call me a gamer. My favorite genre is RPG's thought I also play other kinds too. As I set there playing one of my Final Fantasy games I start thinking. Seven out of ten times when playing this type of game there is that legendary person/creature that you heard about all through the game. Said person/creature is said to have godly strength and have defeated armies or leveled cities by its self, or so all the rumors say. Now here's where things can get interesting. In some games you never ever see or hear from this legend. In other games you not only see them but either fight or join them. Sometimes both. Now I know what you're thinking: How can you possibly fight this legendary, godly person/creature?? Well for those of you who don't game. Normally said encounter can end one of few ways. Either: a) Person/creature crushes you and leaves you for dead or b) They feel sorry for you and refuse to kill you or c) You end up thrashing it easily.... Now if you get hit with A you have the long drawn out annoying/amazing ending boss battle later. If you get B or C well either one usually ends with the legendary whatever it is joining you, which is the biggest let down ever. Why? Cause apparently once it/he/she joins you it/he/she becomes a normal mortal whatever it is. Not just that but usually the legendary thing is a few levels BELOW your characters leaving you with the biggest wtf moment ever. You will be left staring at them wondering how exactly they just took you 6+ hours and untold amounts of potions and revives to beat.

The mother-blog

Well she calls them sister blogs but I really think hers is more like the Mother-blog. She is the one that started this after all. Anyways if you didn't get here from hers then go check it out. Will probably be a bit more active then mine. =P